With SAP HANA, many companies achieve significant gains in the speed of business processes. However, such results are only possible if the system is monitored and performance problems are reduced to a minimum! This is where SAP HANA performance analysis comes into play.

We show you the measures you can take to identify and fix specific performance issues. We also clarify how you can improve the performance of your SAP HANA database in the following areas:

  • Resources (CPU, memory, disk)
  • Size and growth of data structures
  • Transaction-related problems
  • Performance of SQL statements
  • Configuration and parameterization

Performance issues can be difficult to diagnose – because the problems can be rooted in a number of seemingly unrelated components. This is where we can help with our SAP HANA performance analysis.

Checking for system alerts is a good place to start if you are experiencing issues with your SAP HANA system. So a first step in identifying problems is alerting. However, since alerts are configurable and do not cover all aspects of the system, problems can also occur without triggering an alert. We therefore describe some generic symptoms that you can observe and help you analyze the underlying problem.

By observing the general symptoms that the system shows, such as poor performance, high memory usage, paging or “column store unloads”, we can narrow down the possible causes in the first step of the problem analysis.