DSAG calls for seamless migration from SAP Neo to Cloud Foundry

SAP has announced that it will discontinue the SAP Business Technology Platform Neo environment by the end of 2028. The decision means that the SAP BTP multi-cloud environment (hereafter Cloud Foundry) and its services will be the only option for using BTP from 2029. Cloud Foundry is an innovative platform built on a contemporary cloud architecture that not only provides a variety of BTP services, but also offers advanced functionalities for cloud application development.

The German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG) is not surprised by this announcement. However, the industry association is calling on SAP to ensure that the migration from Neo to Cloud Foundry can take place smoothly for user companies. This is an important demand, as user companies depend on being able to continue their business processes without major interruptions.

DSAG emphasizes that SAP should actively support the migration process and provide companies with clear guidelines, tools and resources. A successful migration is crucial to ensure that user companies can seamlessly move to the new cloud platform and that their business continuity is guaranteed.

DSAG also expects SAP to inform user companies about the migration timeline and steps in a timely manner. This will give companies the opportunity to plan their internal resources accordingly and ensure that they can make the necessary adjustments.

Overall, SAP’s decision to discontinue the SAP Business Technology Platform Neo environment and move to Cloud Foundry as its sole option is a strategic move to offer a more modern cloud architecture and enhanced development and service options. Now it’s up to SAP to ensure that the migration is as smooth as possible for user companies to ensure a successful transition.

SAP Neo has long been the preferred platform for developing and deploying applications in the SAP ecosystem. However, the focus has shifted to Cloud Foundry in recent years, as this platform offers more modern features and a more flexible infrastructure. DSAG, the largest independent SAP user group in the world, recognizes that a smooth migration from SAP Neo to Cloud Foundry is critical for its members to take full advantage of the latest technologies.

Migration opportunities

The migration from SAP Neo to Cloud Foundry opens up numerous opportunities for companies. Cloud Foundry provides a scalable and flexible infrastructure that enables enterprises to develop, deploy, and scale applications faster. It also enables microservices integration and the use of containers, resulting in more efficient application deployment. In addition, Cloud Foundry offers a comprehensive set of developer tools and services that increase productivity and drive innovation.

Migration challenges

However, migrating from SAP Neo to Cloud Foundry comes with challenges. One of the main issues is that SAP Neo and Cloud Foundry use different architectures and data models. This requires careful review and adaptation of existing applications to ensure a smooth integration. In addition, companies must ensure that their employees have the necessary know-how to effectively use the new tools and technologies. Thorough training and preparation are therefore essential.

DSAG calls for seamless migration scenarios

DSAG has recognized that a successful migration from SAP Neo to Cloud Foundry requires not only technical adjustments, but also a clear roadmap and support from SAP itself. For this reason, DSAG is calling on SAP to provide seamless migration scenarios and comprehensive training resources to ease the transition for its members. Collaboration between SAP and DSAG will be critical to ensure that enterprises can realize the full potential of the Cloud Foundry platform.

The migration from SAP Neo to Cloud Foundry is a necessary evolution to meet the changing demands of the digital age. Companies must seize this opportunity to strengthen their competitiveness and benefit from the advantages of a modern, flexible and scalable platform. With the support of DSAG and a close collaboration with SAP, companies can achieve a smooth migration and shape a successful future in the SAP ecosystem.